With 320 million internet users across the United States accessing the web from their computers, phones, and tablets, it’s no surprise that your website should be the cornerstone of your race marketing plan if you want to get more clients to your business.

It’s one of your strongest marketing tools and often the first place prospects go to get information or buy your product. To make sure your website is working like a well-developed marketing machine, follow these ten tips:

1. Get a Memorable Web Address

People need to remember your website’s URL to register or go back to your website later to check news about you. Keep it as short as possible and make sure it makes sense for visitors.

Choose the domain name that will get you results, and then plaster it on all your marketing materials and anywhere you advertise! It will help you to get more clients back to your website.

2. Have Clear Navigation and a Well-Build Website Structure

Navigation is key. A lot of times, visitors will come to your page with a specific intention in mind (to book a call, find more info about your product or company, get to know more about price, see the demo, etc.), and they land on a site which seems to offer something they need, but then they can’t really find a way around the site.

There is no way to go to a previous page without hitting the “back” button, page titles in the drop-down menus are confusing at best, and when they want to find a specific form, they need to click and dig and click and dig until they find it.

Make your website navigation well-organized, visible, and prioritized based on your popular pages. The easier your website navigation the more customers you will get.

3. Engage Your Visitors

Words are not enough. People like visuals, so engage your visitors with photos, videos, Instagram feeds and more. The more different content you can provide, the more engaging your website would be for other people. It will successfully convert them into more customers for your business. So go deeper into an article topic.

Content length may also be an issue, for starters. Put some call to action elements or lead magnet in the middle of your posts to solve this. You can optimize the content length with a scroll-depth tool as well.

Use a tool like Hotjar to see how far users scroll when they are on your pages. You can make the content length shorter to let your users see the most important message or insert a call to action at the top of their scrolling area.

Hotjar is free up to 2,000 page views per day, and then costs $29+ per month (with a free trial).

Don’t forget about the videos. Videos are the most effective way to engage your visitor. Scientific researches show the human brain can process visual content nearly 60,000 times faster than text.

It’s worth to include video within your content when possible if that’s a format that will resonate with your target audience and can attract more clients.

Go deeper into an article topic. Provide valuable content for your readers, and make sure they are can read it easily. If it’s attractive, visitors will stay longer and interact more with your website.

4. Regularly Update Your Content

To have good content and images is not enough. Many websites suffer from blog sections that have stories dated from 2013, or content that never changes. Since the modern world has dozens of information, that constantly appears to website users, people expect to see fresh content.

Be sure you make changes and updates to your website and blog posts frequently. It’s easy to do it especially with a WordPress CMS.

5. Get Ranked in Search Engines

Prospects may or may not be familiar with your product or service. You should understand how people use search engines. It will help you to make your website appear in search results when users are looking for your product or service.

The ambitious aim is to reach the first page in search rankings to gain more customers as they are probably won’t go to further pages.

Search engines apply rankings by matching the relevance of the web page to the keywords you use in your content. By making your web content more relevant to your customer’s needs compared to other websites, you will have a better chance of appearing at the top.

Search engines are your great way to bring you more traffic and convert it into more clients.

So get them to find you it if they search for your product directly by using your product name or generally if they are searching for a certain product which can solve their problem or looking for similar solutions.

6. Make Special Offers and Gifts

Reward your visitors for using your website! Offer discounts, give them valuable gifts for your product, offer them a free demo if they want to test your services. This will save you time and keep more customers coming back to your website to check for great deals.

But make sure you do not offer them too much, because you may be in a situation when your clients come back to you because of your special offers, and not because of your product.

Make offers to be valuable for your loyal clients, and they will thank you!

7. Make Calls to Action Prominent

Whether you want someone to register, try a demo, have a call, or buy from you, make sure you encourage them and make it easy to do. It’s as simple as having prominent buttons on your home page that say things like “register now” and “get a free demo here” to catch the attention of more customers and convince them to go further through your marketing machine.

Your prospects want to know what to expect from you when they act with your calls to action. Make sure they know it.

8. Have a Mobile Version

Look around just about anywhere and you’ll see people use phones. It doesn’t matter whether you’re waiting for a table at lunch, riding the train, or even stuck in traffic. People use their phones all the time. That means more clients come to websites using their phones.

The increase in mobile activity throughout the past few years has been astronomical. And that goes for the B2B world, too!

Research from Boston Consulting Group revealed that 80% of B2B buyers use mobile at work, and more than 60% have reported that mobile played a significant role in a recent purchase. Nearly 70% of B2B buyers increased mobile usage significantly over the past two to three years, and 60% expect to continue to increase their mobile usage.

Moreover, in the first quarter of 2018 mobile traffic became more than from common desktop computers. Mobile traffic in 2020 increased by 262% compared to 2013. And it continues to grow every year. For example, on our website, Udevv.com, 42% of visitors come from mobile.

Now it’s essential for every business needs to have its website on mobiles. Otherwise, you lose tons of your potential clients. Have you viewed your website on mobiles? What does it look like?

Consider creating a mobile version for your website. You can’t miss doing that in 2021. Believe me.

9. Enable Social Sharing and Social Media

If you want to become a rockstar in social media, you need to allow your visitors to share your posts and articles with their friends on Facebook, Twitter, and more. To do that, put social sharing buttons on your website’s blog pages. It’s easy to do when you use a WordPress website.

Social network buttons allow you to accumulate your own followers and likes directly from your website and get more clients.

Watch this video about social media marketing strategies that you can try today to gain even more customers to your business:

10. Establish Brand Awareness

Use your company logo, tagline and the main message everywhere you can. Pay special attention you have them on your website, as well as on social media tools, ads, signs, and anything a user might see. You have to place your brand everywhere you can to let more clients find you on the internet.

People will start to recognize your brand, creating a presence for you in the industry and helping to increase the website traffic and followers of your brand.


Your website is your most important salesperson which helps to attract more clients to your business. Successful businesses know this. They understand they need a vital marketing tool and an effective sales online machine. A fast and effective website is a must-have in 2021. It’s not just a nice to have it. More and more customers expect they can found the information they need in an easy way. Every day your website isn’t working well more traffic and money go to your competitors who are doing it right.

Both the web design and digital marketing work inextricably together. Even though they seem to be separated from each other for the first sight. Your website is one of the most important digital marketing assets that you have online to gain more traffic and consequently more customers.

How many customers come to your business from your website? How many people look at your site to see if you are a good fit for them before they start doing business with you? If you aren’t sure or you don’t have such an effective and convertible website, complete our questionnaire and get a free strategy consultation from us.

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